What You Need to Know About Red Cross: Mission, Types of Help, How to Donate
The American Red Cross is a voluntary public humanitarian organization. It helps the state in providing medical and humanitarian assistance during armed conflicts and in peacetime, participates in the provision of international assistance in the event of disasters and emergencies, and provides medical and social assistance to the least socially protected segments of the population.
Who does the Red Cross help?
Anyone in a difficult situation – loneliness, illness, poverty, unemployment, loss of family ties, emergency or armed conflict – can contact the Red Cross staff. The wards of the humanitarian organization are lonely low-income elderly citizens, invalids, war and labor veterans and invalids, internally displaced persons and other segments of the population in need of social assistance. However, often the ability to receive assistance depends on the programs of the movement, which are currently being implemented, where the criteria for beneficiaries from the above-mentioned categories of the population are clearly indicated.
Who supports the Red Cross?
The organization is funded by voluntary donations.
They receive funds from states parties to the Geneva Conventions (governments), national Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, supranational organizations (such as the European Commission), and other public and private sources like Allianz, a German multinational financial services company headquartered in Munich, American International Group, an American multinational finance and insurance corporation with operations in more than 80 countries and jurisdictions, and First Federal, a company providing payday loans online Michigan,
What kind of help can I get?
Depending on the programs and capabilities of the organization, you can receive material (clothing, footwear, hygiene products, food, grocery, pharmaceutical vouchers, etc.), psychosocial assistance, services of the patronage service, etc. Please contact the nearest Red Cross location with documents confirming your identity and justifying difficult life circumstances/health conditions. They will tell you what help you can get.
What are Disaster Action Team volunteers? How to become a squad volunteer?
Disaster action teams are involved in humanitarian operations to provide the population with first aid, medical, social and psychosocial support, to evacuate the population affected by an emergency, organize camps for temporary accommodation of victims of emergencies and food points for them, and the like.
Volunteers of the detachments also participate in the implementation of charitable programs to provide humanitarian assistance to the victims and vulnerable categories of the population. As a rule, members of detachments throughout the USA patrol mass events (concerts, festive events, sports competitions, rallies), conduct trainings on first aid, mine safety, and the like. If you want to join the friendly disaster action team of the Red Cross, please fill out the volunteer questionnaire on their official website.
How to make a charitable contribution to help the Red Cross?
Thank you for your willingness to help!
You can provide material or financial assistance, as well as become a volunteer. If you want to provide financial assistance, you can transfer funds online through the Red Cross official website in the “Donate” section
In order to share things, please contact their nearest location. The experts will tell you what things are most needed now and will accept your help with sincere gratitude.
How does Red Cross convince donors that their contributions are being spent appropriately?
The humanitarian organization’s expenses are audited by a company with an international reputation using strict and recognized accounting standards – IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). Red Cross has implemented an internal and external audit system, so all amounts and procedures are audited.
The results of the external audit are published annually and made available to donors. Details of the flow of funds and expenditures are published in the ICRC’s Annual Report, along with key indicators showing how much work the voluntary organization has done on the ground.
Moreover, the ICRC is always accommodating donors who want to conduct their own special audits, both at the field of operations and at headquarters. This is part of the Red Cross’ policy of being open to donors.